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Support Jon Berger for NC House 20

I'm Running to Fight for You!


Reproductive rights are inseparable from women’s health. Pure and simple. But women’s fundamental reproductive rights are under attack all over this country—including here in North Carolina. Ted Davis promised he wouldn’t vote for an abortion ban. He lied. What other fundamental women’s health rights will he vote to abolish? As the father of two teenage girls, I know how important it is for women to have autonomy over their OWN bodies. Personal medical matters shouldn’t be left up to politicians in Raleigh or Washington to decide. I will fight to protect all women’s right to choose and their right to affordable, locally accessible essential health-care services.


​We have neglected our public schools far too long, denying many of our children the fundamental right to an equal education. We have let too many children fall behind, all but ensuring they WON’T have equal access to the economic opportunities they deserve. We need to invest more in our public school infrastructure, expanding Pre-K, improving teacher pay, and providing reliable internet in every classroom. Ted Davis has continually proven himself an enemy to our public schools and teachers. He repeatedly votes to divert resources AWAY from them and TO the unaccountable private-school voucher system. I will fight for every child’s access to a quality education in public schools that we can be proud of once again.


Everyone in our community deserves clean air and clean water. Yet polluters have been allowed to poison our community’s natural resources with impunity. Because Ted Davis has refused to do anything to fix this, our next generation will continue to suffer the consequences. We need to restore sanity by strengthening regulations to protect and preserve our environment for future generations. North Carolina can be a leader in fighting climate change by following the Biden Administration’s lead and investing in renewable energy. This will bring good, smart, well-paying jobs to our region. I will fight to make polluters pay while working to protect our environment. 


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